Welcome to the anjackson.net *url-den#
This rather random wedge of the website is used to store various useful bits of stuff I tend to forget.
*url Sections#

Top Links#
Random Stuff#
- RandomIdeas
- Groovy Thing: http://peffis.com/clouds.php
- TheBigTrip
- Society
- Defining Terrorism @ The CIA
- NewsSites
- ShamelessConsumerism
- FlashMobs
- …random acts of kindness…
- Rather cheesy but apparently well-meaning project
- http://www.paulgraham.com/say.html
- [Michael Moore article| http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/index.php?messageDate=2003-12-19 ]
- ActivistsAndActivities
- RepresentativeMedia
- MusicStuff
- PlacesIKnow
- National Geographic Map Machine
- NASA World Viewer
- SillyStuff
- anjackson.net
- News
- Not unlike my ‘democratized journalism’ idea: http://memigo.com/
- fark
- memepool
- daypop top
- ntk
- People
- rab
- davies
- curtis
- dave&jen (web site engine and design built on Drupal by me)
- rhthm.com Funf naw eins, mde.
- Kowari digital design
- magritek - NMR kit
- Impact Services Ltd
- Random