The Return of the King
03032 Christopher Lee and Sean Astin
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03029 Black Rider
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03027 Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03026 Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03025 Mostly Liv Tyler
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03024 Liv Tyler and Orlando Bloom
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03023 Liv Tyler and Orlando Bloom
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03021 Uruk-hai
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03020 Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003
03019 Hobbitses
The Return of the King
2003/12 - December 2003