- book/
Content Access Protocols
·279 words
Table of Contents
Content Access Prototols #
The pipes that make the sources work.
OAI-PMH### #
See this overview.
- Attaching DC, RFC 1807 or MARC metadata
- A Java Harvester.
- A big list of repositories.
- http://arxiv.org/help/oa/index
- Summary of ResearchArchive at Victoria University of Wellington
- XML Schemas and Support for Multiple Record Formats in OAI-PMH
AtomPub #
- AtomServer, AtomServer article, APL
- Apache Abdera APL
- Atomojo server & client NBSD
- atom-multipart
- Offical Atom link relationships.
Fedora #
- Supports a range of APIs, some Fedora-specific, and OAI-PMH too.
- Stores and moves in FOXML
Others #
- DB access, Amazon S3, DSpace, WebDav, CalDav, JCR, Atom, etc.
- Content Management Interoperability Services
- Google Data APIs (like Atom)
- Windows Live Data API
List, from http://discerning.com/topics/standards/resource_management.txt
- list(resource_path, query_expr, accept_mime_type) these kinds of formats
- HXDLG http://hdlg.sourceforge.net/ xmlns=http://www.hdlg.info/XML/filesystem
- manifest.xml xmlns=http://openoffice.org/2001/manifest
- atom:feed “application/rss+xml revision=http://purl.org/rss/1.0/”
- RMP (builtin)
- Web Collections http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-XMLsubmit
- OAI-PMH xmlns=“ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/static-repository"
- TODO: RDDL http://www.rddl.org/rddl2 (explain what namespaces mean) and http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/nsDocuments/
- simply lists all metadata objects for all immediate children, in a XML response wrapper
<collection xmlns="http://gupe.org/rmp" path="some/resource_path">
<collection name="fred" ...>
<data name="fred/xml">
Standards for Document Repositories #
- The JISC Digital Repository Programme as part of its work is exploring the interaction between repositories and other systems.
- DSpace API Outline
- Multiple, so need a repository definition layer that defines:
- Read method (HTTP hopefully).
- Write method (HTTP too, on WebDAV etc, but we may need property definitions for different services).
- Authentication system. Write, and probably reads need authentication with the repo.
- WebDAV plus standard metadata partner file (‘‘’name’’’.metadata.xml) would be fine for uploads.
- IDEA: Local wrapper allowing WebDAV access to selected local files/directories would be a nice way of allowing Planets access to arbitrary file resources. Even if just read-only access.