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What makes a large website large?
My WARCs XL| ·478 words
Building-Web-Archives Web Archives
UK Web Archive Technical Update - Spring 2023
2023 Q1 Summary Report| ··1043 words
Building-Web-Archives Web Archives
My Format Identification Misunderstandings
Those were not the DROID descriptions I was looking for.| ·216 words
Format-Identification Digital Preservation
Speeding Up Format Identification
Fast versus fastidious?| ·1137 words
Format-Identification Digital Preservation
More Magic From Siegfried
...and Roy!| ·612 words
Format-Identification Digital Preservation
Making websites archivable with JavaScript
It's not always evil| ·875 words
Building-Web-Archives Websites Web Archives
Letting search engines into the archive
Beware the greedy Googlebot| ·398 words
Mining-Web-Archives Web Archives
UK Web Archive Technical Update - Winter 2023
2022 Q4 Summary Report| ·1175 words
Building-Web-Archives Reports Web Archives
Making Blogging Easier
This blog post was brought to you by NetlifyCMS| ·341 words


Revisiting Web Rings
Once upon a time, there was a more distributed social web...| ··757 words
Mining-Web-Archives Websites