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The Analogue Repository
A story from the Digital Preservation Multiverse| ·1671 words
Digital Preservation
Communities of Digital Preservation
IIPC Blog Post on Preserving the Web with Open Source| ·1249 words
Building-Web-Archives Digital Preservation Web Archives
A first look at Magika
A new format identification tool, from Google.| ·1607 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation
Launching The Registries of Good Practice Project
Here... We... Go...| ·215 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation
Sawtooth Shift
Who needs a holiday!?| ·96 words


Migrating from Jekyll to Hugo
It's been ten years. It's time for a change.| ·653 words
UK Web Archive Technical Update - Autumn 2023
2023 Q3 Summary Report| ·452 words
Building-Web-Archives Web Archives
UK Web Archive Technical Update - Summer 2023
2023 Q2 Summary Report| ·1082 words
Building-Web-Archives Web Archives
Robust file transfers with Rclone
Move slow and keep things| ·3340 words
Building-Web-Archives Digital Preservation Web Archives
Reflections on the IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2023
From the Failed-To-Write-A-Full-Conference-Report department.| ·351 words
Building-Web-Archives Web Archives