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Floppy Inspiration
You know you've been working in digital preservation too long when...| ·28 words
Digital Preservation
Putting the WikiData work in context
Boromir: One does not simply "solve" the format registry problem!| ·922 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation
Finding Formats in WikiData
Where oh where are my PSDs?| ··1202 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation
Grasping a Petabyte
The impact of replicating the UK Web Archive| ·1137 words
Digital-Footprint Digital Preservation
Invisible Memory Machines
The biggest preservation risk is that no one cares.| ·661 words
Digital Preservation
Bad Wisdom
and regretted errors| ·104 words
Rummaging in the iPRES Pantry with Rclone
Preparing for experimentation with digital preservation tools| ·898 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation
For The Love
After IIPC 2024| ·1852 words
Digital Preservation
Re-publishing iPRES
An experiment in low-maintenance approaches to the web.| ·1224 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation
Aggregating iPRES Proceedings
Two decades of data, together at last.| ·3157 words
Registries-of-Practice Digital Preservation