Just a quick entry to say Happy New Year to you all, and wish you all a grand 2005. I’ve not made any resolutions, at least none that I can speak of here, and any of the usual resolution suspects are, I suspect, only made in order to get that guilty thrill when they are vigorously cast aside within the first week or so.
The photo off to the right there is a picture of the party down on the Wellington waterfront at which I saw in the big rolling-over-of-the-numbers. Read on for more photos of an almost relavent nature…

Here's one of my favourite photos of one of New Zealand's Pohutukawa trees. These are a kind of Kiwi Christmas tree, as they flower a beautiful red colour in late December. This one is slap-bang in the middle of town and brightens up The Terrace nicely. I've also added two slices of Pohutukawa flowers as potential (randomly chosen) background images for the far right-hand side of these pages. I think they work quite well.

This is just a photo of one of the main shopping areas in town. I like it because the old bank building with the clock on the top is kinda cool (in a brown ceramic tiled kinda way) and that the big SEASONS GREETINGS sign on the State insurance tower is there in the distance.
So, erm, that's it really. No big meaningfuls of pontification etc. You should be consider yourselves lucky. :)