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changing planes
Well, I’ve managed to sneak onto the Singapore Airport wireless internet service for free, which is helping while away the hours until my plane for London leaves. This PDA has turned out to be rather useful, along with the Wireless Internet card that EPCC kindly bought me for my leaving present. But I’m going to work at EPCC again in a weeks time - does that mean I have to give it back?
I know, it’s geeky (surprised?), but you should be warned that once the travelling has calmed down, this is going to be a pretty damn geeky weblog indeed.
The weird thing is that although I’m going home, the travelling is not really over. If all goes to plan, I’ll be back out in NZ for about 6 months starting in October. That’ll be five (5!) summers in a row! :) evil-laughter It looks like being another interesting year.