What is the process to change, add, or eliminate a Subject Heading in Library of Congress Authorities?
What needs to be done to change or eliminate outdated or offensive
subject headings? Is this something that everyday librarians can
participate in? Is there any way for librarians to suggest new subject
- dsalo: Do you mean a subject heading (from LCSH), or an authority record (for
an individual or organization)? Believe it or not, it makes a
- KatieR: Could you expand on the differences?
- dsalo: Mostly they're procedural. LCSH changes go through SACO, authority-file
changes through NACO. Both SACO and NACO memberships (see Ed's answer)
are institutional-only; the requirements for an institution to join are
somewhat different.
- KatieR: Ah, I was interested in LCSH and the outdated terms that hinder catalog
searches. Thanks for the clarification!
Answer by Ed Summers
There is a form
at LC that lets you report errors in authority and catalog data. There
is also a form
for suggesting new subject headings.
The Program for Cooperative Cataloging
includes the Name Authority Cooperative Program
(NACO) and Subject
Authority Cooperative Program
(SACO) which together allow
librarians who work in member libraries to maintain subject and name
authority records.
Also, if you haven't run across it yet, the work of Sanford
Berman may be of interest.
- dsalo: I also recommend Hope Olson's work; try *The Power of Names*.
- Ed Summers: s/The Power of Names/The Power to Name/
- dsalo: My mistake, thanks!