How is Google Maps used to display library floor plans?
Google Maps has a service where you can upload floor plans of your
building or ask them for help. Details at
Has anyone worked with Google Maps to upload floor plans for their
library and made this available on their website?
Did you find it useful to assist library users?
- Ashley Nunn: What do you want to know, specifcally? Questions like this which can be
answered with a simple "yes I have" or "no I havent" are likely to be
closed. Do you have specific questions about how the service works (or
doesn't) in regards to libraries, specifically?
- Jakob: In my opinion this is a valid question. You could change the title or
edit the question.
- KatieR: @Jakob, any suggestions?
- Jakob: I already edited the tags. The answers are what matters ;-)
- KatieR: How does editing the tags help make this a better question? I would like
to hear from the OP more about their interest in using Google Maps and
their floor plan option in libraries. Otherwise this is simply a yes or
no question which, as @AshleyNunn said, is likely to be closed.
- Jakob: The time spent for discussing could better be spent in trying out Google
Floorplans and sharing the experience in an answer. IMHO the use of this
service for libraries is on-topic. The specific question is secondary.
- MDMarra: @Jakob This is clearly a polling question, which is specifically
off-topic per the [faq]. Something like "What value would this add to a
typical public library" or "how can this be integrated into existing
systems" could be valuable. "Has anyone done this" is a useless question
and should be closed and downvoted. This isn't a forum for discussion
and shouldn't be treated as such. It has a very clearly defined scope
that this doesn't fit into.
- Deborah Mould: Edited the question to discover how this type of data has been
integrated and used.