The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
I am looking for apps to view and browse MARC records. I'm a programmer so I usually interact with MARC via marc4j or pymarc and the like. But sometimes, I'd like to have a GUI, which could show me the content of a MARC file (one or more records) and probably render some statistics on the fields (e.g. field coverage, top values, etc.)
What tools do you use to browse, view, explore (and maybe edit) MARC?
Edit: Preferred platform, OS X or Linux. (I already saw the list on, but as they still listing MS-DOS tools, there might be some fresher things out there).
Well, I suspect MarcEdit is what you want... but you'll need a Windows environment to run it. Any of the various ways to run Windows on a Mac should be fine, but I don't know if it will run on the WINE emulator for Linux. Anybody else know?
Terry Reese (the creator of MarcEdit) provides resources for installing and running it in a Linux environment: