A "found text" (for this purpose) is one in which the publisher is printing something not written for publication—at least, not in the present manner—but rather a text or set of texts written in some other context and now re-purposed by the publisher or editor. It has, at times, been a common literary device to present an original work as a "found text" with the author as "editor." Unfortunately, this presents multiple sets of metadata, at least one of which contains deliberate falsehoods which are, neveless, part of the storytelling and therefore have value. So:
In TEI P5—we're at P5 version 2.1.0 as I ask this, but the high-level structure should be the same throughout P5, so hopefully the answer is general to P5—how might this false level of metadata be encoded without entangling it with the true metadata?
Please keep in mind that such false metadata might be:
not only presented as true but the only metadata presented on the physical item itself, the truth only being apparent elsewhere (e.g., news reports, research, later editions).
Alan Thomas II
I would be tempted to play around with the Simple Analysis Module. Creating an \<interp> element to explain the "hoax," and then using @ana to link to it anywhere the hoaxy (meta)data appears seems like it should work.