The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
Anything else?
It can very from library to library. Usually, a patron who challenges a book is asked to fill out a form specifying why they think the book should be pulled. Typical questions are: Did you read the book? Have you read any review of the book? can you specify what you found offensive?
The book is then reviewed by the library director or library advisory board. At that time the book is typically out of circulation for review. The library can use existing book reviews or pull similar books for comparison.
The library director will respond directly to that patron as to whether the book is going to be restored to the collection or pulled and why.
From our Policy/Procedures Manual
Get the complaint in writing.
Properly identify the complainant.
- Identify the item in question.
- State clearly the specific reason for the complaint.
- Defer action until all facts are collected and full consideration can be given.
- Give all complaints a courteous and dispassionate response.
- All questions concerning the library collection are referred to the professional library staff.
- Principles of selection are discussed with the individual. [also in Policy/Procedure Manual]
- The patron may fill out a Request for Reconsideration if further action is desired.
- The Director will report the Request for Reconsideration to the City Manager with copies to the Library Board along with the reasons for selection or exclusion.
- The individual will be notified of the opportunity to discuss the request with the Library Board at a regular meeting.
- The Library Board will make a recommendation to the Library Director and report to the individual.
- The final decision rests with the Library Director.
Depending on where you live, there may be services available to you to assist with coping with challenges. In Wisconsin, for example, the Cooperative Children's Book Center provides consulting in case of challenge to K-12 materials, as well as the guidelines freely available on their website and a discussion forum for teachers and librarians.