Purchasing print-on-demand books
Have any libraries purchased print-on-demand books? What are the reports
on their construction quality? Is it possible to select for good
Feel free to add any other factors that you can think of, of course.
- Alan Thomas II
- Jakob: Questions that begin with "should" should not be asked here. Your first
question is fine and you may ask about criteria to purchase or not to
purchase PoD books, but there is no general answer to your question.
- Alan Thomas II: I've tried reformulating it. I'm trying to steer clear of an open-ended
invitation for individuals to share their personal experiences by giving
a goal for this data, but I'm open to further suggestions on improving
the question.
- Alan Thomas II: Thanks to Deborah Mould for reformulating this question without losing
any of my points. This is why there's an "edit" button and why you get
rep for using it. ^_^
Answer by Jakob
Unless there are summarizing articles or thesis about "print on demand
books in libraries", I doubt that one can give a full answer to this
general question. The answer to the first question, whether libraries
have purchased print-on-demand books, is yes: just search for known PoD
publishers in library union catalogs, for instance:
I have not found out how to obviously search for publishers in WorldCat,
but as shown by Ron Buckley in this
there is the pb:
index for publishers.
- Alan Thomas II: Thanks. I would advise any readers to check out Jakob's question as an
extension of this answer.