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I'm a beginner when it comes to EAD (had a metadata design studio class in grad school where we modelled EAD in SKOS/XML), but I'm looking at starting the archivist certification process and I'm wondering what EAD books, tutorials, boilerplate, etc., are good resources for learning/reference. Any suggestions?
The EAD roundtable of the Society of American Archivists maintains links to a wealth of information from their website. In addition to basic information about EAD, the website contains several sections that are very interesting and enlightening.
The SAA Standards Committee also maintains the Standards Portal, which has a section on EAD and links to additional resources and tools.
The roundtable has also compiled an EAD bibliography on Zotero.
The official EAD website is hosted by the Library of Congress and contains the latest version of the tag library and crosswalks.
For examples, if you have a copy of Describing Archives: A Content Standard handy, there's an example in the appendices. If not, they're not difficult to find online (The Online Archives of California, for example, has its own EAD template as well as many additional resources).