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What are the most common reasons openurl linking fails? How does one improve chances of openurl linking working?
I'm not terribly experienced with openURL but I'll take a shot at this:
That's a lot to track down but it should be fairly obvious given a test case. You just need to see what kind of error results, like playing telephone in reverse.
Maybe this is not the most common reasons why OpenURL linking fails, but the inaccessibility of knowledge bases is a showstopper of this technology. Most data about which journals are licensed by which library is managed in closed silos. Moreover the knowledge base is often inaccurate because libraries do not update it. I doubt that this will change unless knowledge bases only aim at users. If a librarian looks up his own holdings, the information does not come from the knowledge base, does it? If errors in the knowledge base would affect the daily work (and budget) in the library, the accuracy would be better.
There are so many potential points of failure that it's often difficult to pinpoint the cause. That said, Cindi Trainor and Jason Price took a stab at it (Trainor, Cindi; Price, Jason. Library Technology Reports, Oct2010, Vol. 46 Issue 7, p15-26), but their results were pretty evenly spread out. As to what you can do: (1) keep your part of the kb as up to date as possible; (2) encourage database/journal vendors to provide accurate data to the knowledge base providers; (3) encourage vendors of all types to adhere to standards (are they OpenURL compliant?) and contribute to initiatives like KBART that aim to improve knowledge bases & linking. It also wouldn't hurt to look at your failures within your link resolver to see what's commonly not working, and see if you can fix it/encourage your link resolver/kb provider to fix it. [We recently did this with linking to dissertations, for example].