The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
We are starting a circulating video game collection. I am trying to help our cataloging person by researching how to find records in OCLC or from a different source.
While video games exist in WorldCat, they are not a thoroughly cataloged format. In many cases, you might have to resort to original cataloging. This presentation very handily lays out which MARC fields you should be using and where on the item/packaging you can find the relevant information.
that's my presentation! I'm glad that people are still using it.
There are a lot more video game records in WorldCat than there were, say, four years ago. Back then, original cataloging was about 50% of my video game cataloging workload, now it's about 5%--and it's usually games from newer systems (like the Nintendo 3DS or Playstation Vita) or really oddball games that someone purchased or donated. Most of the major titles have records available on WorldCat.
That said, some of the records are definitely crap and will need editing. If your cataloger needs to talk to someone about cataloging video games, my contact info is on the presentation that Sean linked in his answer, and I'm always willing to discuss all things cataloging.