The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
I've found the following SPARQL endpoints for library-related data:
Surely there must be more endpoints out there, for catalog data, other library metadata, and library vocabularies than this? Where else should I be looking?
The Data Hub seems to be a good starting point for datasets with SPARQL endpoints. There is a group of datasets called "Bibliographic data". gives the datasets in that group, but only the ones with a SPARQL endpoint.
This is listed on the Data Hub site, but is worth calling special attention to.
The British National Bibliography is available via a number of APIs, including SPARQL. These APIS are documented here.
The URL for the endpoint is .
The German National Bibliography is available as RDF, but is not currently front-ended by a SPARQL endpoint. I suspect they probably have a few pilot endpoints running internally. The DNB are available, but with search only via SRU and OAI-PMH at the moment, but since you can bulk download, you can make your own endpoint.
Cambridge has an endpoint here for a partial snapshot of its data.
We've also added a tutorial to SPARQL based around bib data and the endpoint.