How do I determine when to do system maintenance?
Many factors come into play when determining the best time to take a
system down for maintenance in a way that is economical, has the least
impact on users, and the best chances to be completed promptly.
Peter Murray
- Peter Murray: I could use some help tagging this question. I'm not satisfied with
'computer-services' and 'scheduling'. Suggestions?
- Deborah Mould: Maybe a new tag of 'service delivery'? Or 'service expectations'? As
this could relate to availability of any resource that library users
- Peter Murray: Thanks @DeborahMould -- I think 'service-delivery' is getting closer.
Thoughts from others?
Answer by Peter Murray
These are the factors that I traditionally consider.
- When is the system least utilized, including usage by users outside
the library walls. (midnight might not be the best time for academic
libraries if that is when students sit down to do research) Also
take into account the time of year (for academics, at the end of
terms when projects are due is particularly bad)
- If you may be relying on support from a service provider --
particularly in cases where something goes wrong -- schedule it when
that service provider is available. (this may exclude Friday nights
and weekends from consideration)
- When you can give enough advance warning to library staff. (24 hours
is usually considered the bare minimum except for emergencies; the
more drastic the change the more lead time you'll want to give)
- When you are well rested and most able to deal with problems that
may occur (even if you have to negotiate a specific short term swing
schedule to move your work hours so you are not trying an upgrade
right after working a normal 8-hour day)
Finding the right time will be a balancing act of all of these factors.
- dsalo: Awareness of schedules beyond the daily helps too, as I'm sure you know.
The week before finals is the wrong time to update the OPAC, for
- Peter Murray: Good point, @dsalo -- I've updated the answer.