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The university where I'm a librarian will soon be involved in a teaching licensure program, and one of my summer projects is to make sure the library's juvenile collection supports the curriculum. I've been collecting various award lists for children's books to glean the multiple award-winners. I'm trying to do the same with Young Adult books but not having great success. YALSA has a list, but I need to find another high-quality, authoritative list to compare it to.
CCBC Choices might be a place to start. Back issues are available from Wisconsin's institutional repository.
The Horn Book has good reviews & guides and they also have the annual Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards. Many states or regions (as dsalo points out with Wisconsin) have awards or reading lists or guides. For example, the Massachusetts Book Awards has a children & YA section for their award. You could also consider awards given out by other groups, such as the SIBA Book Award from the South Independent Booksellers Alliance. And while they are a retailer, Junior Library Guild tends to pick highly regarded YA books.
We often check out the CYBILS, Children's and Young Adult Bloggers Literacy Awards to get ideas for great YA lit.
These titles might not be in your collection development sphere, but I'd certainly make sure to have a link to YALSA's Alex Awards. These are adult books that really do appeal to teens.
To get multiple awards, you may be able to try a reader's advisory database, such as Novelist, if your library subscribes to one. They often let you browse the awards, or, in looking up a book you can see if it's won multiple awards.
Right now, a similar database, the Reader's Advisor Online is available online for free and their "browse" feature allows you to select awards: Reader's Advisor Online Unfortunately, I can't see a way to limit this to Young Adult awards only, so you may have to use your best judgment in narrowing them down.
The British library organization, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CLILIP) has its own awards, you can see winners here:
Also, many states' library associations have their own YA awards, not sure if there is any one place to see them together, might have to do a state by state search? Good luck!
The Award Annals website collects lists of awards and ranks books based on how many they've received. They have sections for different genres including Young Adult, so it may be helpful for your purposes.