The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
What vendors offer enhancements that can be incorporated into existing OPACs (online public access catalogs) or discovery layers? I'm specifically interested in enhancements that can appear in traditional catalogs without having to buy an additional discovery layer.
Here are the ones that I know about:
Depending on the package, enhancements may include cover images, table of contents, book reviews, summaries, author notes, first chapters & excerpts, fiction profiles, biography profiles, find similar titles, series information, video & music, international content.
Cover images, book reviews, summaries, table of contents, additional book details.
Shelf browse, similar books, other editions and translations, tags, reviews, series, awards, lexile measurements and stack map. They also have announced free cover images.
Book reviews, "connections", book covers.
Series, similar books and authors, Goodreads reviews, Lexile, links to additional Novelist content.
Incorporates a "did you mean" option into the OPAC. Last I checked, it worked with SirsiDynix's Horizon HIP and Symphony.
Another option would be to go with an open source catalog discovery layer that has some of the tagging, faceting, and other interface enhancements you are interested in. My library is about to implement VuFind, and we plan to use it to replace the OPAC offered by our ILS vendor.