How would Stack Exchange itself be catalogued and archived by libraries?
Would there be a DOI-like system used? Or would something else be used?
- Ashley Nunn: This is a very theoretical question - what need would a library have for
an archive/catalogue of Stack Exchange?
- Shog9: I think you need to expand this a bit. Archiving digital collections
such as a Stack Exchange site is an interesting topic, but answering the
"how" requires a bit more information on what your goals are for the
- Joe: DOIs? hell no (not unless you've got someone minting free DOIs for you)
- Paul Wheatley: Surely this is an important question? If the community invests effort in
building a valuable resource here, preserving it effectively for the
long term (probably via a web archiving approach) would seem a sensible
measure *in case* Stack Exchange goes out of business.
- Shog9: @Paul: that's what I'm getting at - there are a host of different
concerns with a project like this. FWIW, preventing the information from
being lost is part of why all posts here are required to be Creative
Commons licensed and
why we provide regular public
for graduated sites. If you were planning to take that and making it
accessible in some other location, or via some other format, it would
make for an interesting question...
- Jakob: See this
about archiving threads on internet forums.