The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
While many universities with library science programs offer post-graduate certificates (such as San Jose State post-master's certificate, Certificate of Graduate Studies from South Carolina, Specialist in Library and Information Science from Indiana, Post-master's certificate of graduate studies at Clarion), a literature review does not yield information on the practicality or usefulness of the certificate -- do any jobs require post-graduate study and do any jobs pay extra for such? May I have help locating current, scholarly articles on post-graduate certificates?
Here are a few:
Moran, R. F. (2003). ALA/APA post-master’s certification: An interview with Tom Wilding. Library Administration and Management, 17 (1), 4-5.
Ingalls, E., & Sivak, A. (2005). Post-master’s certification: A case for responsive education. In S. E. Cleyle & L. M. McGillis (Eds.), Last one out turn off the lights: Is this the future of American and Canadian libraries? (pp.125-137). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Bell, J. (2012). Certification of Librarians: An Unproven Demand. SLIS Student Research Journal, 2 (1), Article 35.