The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
Some even very old educational software is still of value today and it is worth preserving.
The problem is that nowadays the licence rights are very important topic, but 20 or 30 years ago it was not considered important for many programmers, who have made such software peaces, don't placing any licence or even their names. But how can you tell if such program, found in some archive in school workshop was intentionally made without credits, or such credits were removed by someone?
Can the archiving such software for preservation theoretically and practically violate someone's intellectual or material rights? Note that such software is to be considered coming from unknown source, because no one is going no to tell, where such program come from, and who have copied them? It may be some student's work or pirated software of some company who doesn't exist anymore.
Łukasz Lech
It depends.
Some jurisdictions allow exemptions to copyright law for archives, allowing them to make copies without breaching any copyright.
Without knowing what laws apply to you and what exemptions under copyright legislation exist, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.
Proper legal advice should be sought to ensure that the risks of having an action taken against you are minimised.
There is a neat legal workaround - register the company operating the archive on Antigua and Barbuda which is specifically exempt from WIPO copyright treaties and DMCA. You'll probably have to keep at least some employees there, with the rest as the contractors from where they are.
Also, keep a DMCA complaint form right next to any software item, and check the email often.
This is as practical as it can get :)
If you live in the country that is a member of WIPO (I think yes), I suggest writing them directly, but AFAIK there are no solutions as of now.