The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
I have recently been put in charge of developing a school library. Until this point, the school has not had a library, nor do they have much funding for resources etc. I am not a librarian so have little to no knowledge of electronic cataloging systems (so am a bit out of my depth).
I have joined the SLA and have organised the collection into a basic system ie. alphabetical order for the fiction section, reference for dictionaries etc, non-fiction by subject. It is at the point now though that we have to put in place an electronic borrowing system and I have no idea where to start. I have tried the old paper borrowing card system but I feel I could ask for a small amount of money for funding from the PTA for an electronic system. Does anyone have any suggestions of some basic software systems that I could use to create a catalogue and borrowing system or the name of a company who provides library equipment such as security system for the books (cards, barcodes, scanning equipment etc).
I would really appreciate any help or advice anyone could give.
I was in a very small private school that also got PTA funding to automate. They went with L4U (the decision was made and partially implemented before I started). I found the software extremely easy to use - I started after the previous librarian left with no overlap (and thus no training). I would recommend checking out their web page ( and asking for a quote.
You may also want to check with your state and district librarians. Many states and districts have consortium purchasing for software and grants to assist with automation.