I was curious as to how I enable the display of the "Expanded Marc View" tab when viewing a library catalog item in OPAC? I already have "normal View", "MARC View" and "ISBD View" enabled by default.
I've basically just installed a newer version of Koha, version 3.08 to facilitate an upgrade, and now that I've imported all the data from the old installation, I'm doing all the little tweaks and such to make it usable by staff and patrons. That's when I noticed we were missing the MARC Expanded View tab that existed on the previous install.
I've looked for the obvious solutions in the admin control panels, but nothing seems to stick out. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
A small membership library that I belong to in Melbourne, Australia uses Koha, and i've just logged into my account from home and clicked on a book I have out, and am able to get the normal MARC view from there. But I'm not sure about the expanded view from the point of view of the staffer doing the cataloguing.
The "Expanded MARC" view was removed as part of an effort to simplify the display options in the OPAC. Details can be found in Koha bug 5106. At the time that the Expanded MARC tab was removed, a "view plain" link was added to the labelled MARC view; clicking on it will show a cataloger-friendly representation of the MARC record.