The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
As part of the Document Availability Information API (DAIA) I once defined a set of services that libraries can provide, connected to a particular document. The result was:
I think about revising the DAIA ontology by moving this part into a more general Library Service Ontology (LIBSO). This ontology should be not more and not less than a classification of basic services, typically provided by a library. This could also include services not directly connected to a document, for instance using a carrel or a study room for group discussion.
What basic services are typically provided by a library? Maybe there are some recommendations or classifications to build on for the library service ontology?
P.S: I started to specify a Document Service Ontology for library services that involve documents.
I've collected some services by taking a look at library sites in my Master Thesis (German) (especially 4.3.3). Also, I made a first stab at a classification of services based on whether a service
These aspects are relevant for describing a service because you can only add opening hours information to services where personnel is directly involved and you can only add spatial information to in-house services. I don't know whether this classification really makes sense or whether one should better drop it. Just posting it here for discussion. Nonetheless, you might benefit from the listed services below.
Applying the aspects described above results in four classes of library services:
Webbased services without direct personnel involvement:
Webbased services with direct personnel involvement:
In-house services with direct personnel involvement
In-house services without direct personnel involvement