In the physical description of a book, what are facsims.?
I have tried to search for the definition of this book part, similar to
illus., ports., etc., but search engines keep thinking that I want
information on the political system 'fascism'. What exactly are
Canadian Girl Scout
Answer by anarchivist
"facsims." refers to "facsimiles"; a facsimile is a "reproduction that
has as its chief purpose to simulate the physical appearance of the
original work as well as to provide an exact replica of the text" (AACR2
- Canadian Girl Scout: Thank you. I rarely see this description item used. Could you add to
your answer how to distinguish a facsimile from other illustrations or,
say, pages of plates that contain photos? Do some cataloguers simply
list them in general as "illustrations"?
- Canadian Girl Scout: Or, could you include an image in your answer as an example? Would this
only be used for artwork or would sculptures be included?
- anarchivist: A good example - arguably the one I see the most - is something like a
manuscript letter.