The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
We want to scan a library with about 30,000 Books.
For that purpose we think about purchasing the Qidenius book scanner. What characteristics of the Qidenius Book Scanner would benefit a library with a collection of our size?
Make sure the acquisition is really justified in terms of volume and ROI, and consider also renting or out-sourcing - 30.000 volumes suddenly looks much smaller when looking at the maximum throughput of a high-end scanrobot. The actual throughput that can be obtained through automation depends a lot on the kind of source material and the ready availability of human operators or "supervisors" though.
Thus the key question really is how suitable the source material in the library is for such an automated process - for example with regards to age, fragility and value, size and variations therein, etc. The bottom line is: the more heterogeneous the collection in physical characteristics, the less likely you are to benefit from the use of a scanrobot.
While from 2008, this concise report from Julian Hall on the Munich Scan Robot Days still provides a helpful overview of the automated scanrobots currently available on the market.