Software for indexing digital books and documents and make their texts searchable
I'm looking for preferably free software that will allow one to search a
private collection of PDF's and other document and e-book formats for
words or sentences in the book.
My purpose is to quickly find citations and relative passages based on
search queries. I would like the query to present the file that contains
the match, the page number, a sample of the passage, and option to open
it up to read it in the passage's entirety. I don't need all these
feature but does something like this exist?
I run Linux, FreeBSD, OSX, and Windows, so software for any of these
operating systems will do.
- jonsca: Hi jonschipp, we generally try to discourage shopping recommendation
questions (see for
more details), as they tend to be localized to one particular situation
and the answers can become obsolete over time.
- Mary Jo Finch: While the information this question generates may date over time, it
seems like it could be immensely valuable for a lot of folks now.
Perhaps it could be reworded to ask if anyone has found a successful way
to search the text of a collection of pdfs, etc. This may yield a
software solution or some other technical workaround.