The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
I am cataloguing an item called "A Christmas Hanukkah Program" by Leon Paul (WorldCat record here) and am planning to assign: 296.435 with all of our Hanukkah materials.
I have searched for similar interfaith materials under slang topics like 'Chrismukkah', but these are usually junior fiction or memoir-like materials in 800s literature. This publication is not fiction; it is a 'how to put on a play' type resource that reflects both traditional Hanukkah history and Catholic points of view. The author dedicates the publication "to my mother who lighted the way of the Old Testament for me; and to my wife, who lighted the way of the New Testament for me."
This is a religious repository and I would like to keep the publication in the 200s. Does anyone have any suggestions on adding a digit to 296.435- to distinguish this combined faith material from other pure Hanukkah materials? Or suggestions on building a different Dewey number?
Canadian Girl Scout
In WorldCat, I find two books that cover both holidays at 296/.02/427:
What I wish my Christian friends knew about Judaism\ A Christian's guide to Judaism
There are no books in the WorldCat designated with 296.435X, which means you are probably free to assign your own 4th digit to suit your particular collection. I don't have access to OCLC's Dewey Services to verify. OCLC is "a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs" (per their website) which charges a lot of money for access to Dewey documentation.
Whatever digit you choose, it will place the book at the end of your Hanukkah section. If you want someone who is browsing to find this book, you might want to leave it at 296.435 so it falls within the Hanukkah section.