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What is the difference between digital-media and e-resources?

I was about to suggest to merge the tags digital-media and e-resources but I am not fully sure. Is there a commonly agreed upon difference between both terms? I think the term e-resources is only used in libraries to refer to digital media. Wikipedia has only an article about electronic resource management (ERM) which could also be named "management of digital media".



Answer by Roland Lukesch

I know this distinction only from Ex Libris, a vendor of library software. For example:

Unified resource management: Alma supports the entire suite of library operations for print, electronic, and digital resources (http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/AlmaOverview)

In this context, "electronic resources" refers to digital material an institution can license from a publisher and which is transferred to the library / the user on request. "Digital resources" on the other hand typically refers to files you actually own yourself and which are stored in an institutional repository or filesystem.

Personally, I find the wording of this distinction counter-intuitive. But in essence, it is justified, because it helps to distinguish between two types of materials which are processed in quite different library workflows (electronic resource management vs. repository management).
