I maintain a Zotero bibliography about digital preservation for personal use and started thinking about sharing it with peers. For this reason it would be necessary to get some structure into it. Beneath a classification scheme with about 15 categories (which is not so hard to create) some kind of controlled vocabulary (glossar, subject list) concerning the field of digital preservation would be quite helpful.
In the course of my research I stumbled upon the following material:
Does anybody know other examples? Maybe even in german?
Roland Lukesch
Excellent question! Are you familiar with PADI? It's a 'gateway to international digital preservation resources', previously maintained by NLA with input from DPC and Nestor. Their list of topics is pretty comprehensive and could be used for your purposes.
The list was developed over several years in response to the subjects and topics that were being addressed by the DP community. PADI isn't updated any more, but their list of subject headings is still very relevant - looking at it again, they even refer to it as the PADI Thesaurus.
See http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/10691/20110824-1153/www.nla.gov.au/padi/topics/thesaurus.html
Another promising glossary from the Archives of New Zealand, described as "The Glossary of Terms is a compilation of legislative, digital continuity, digital preservation and Continuum Recordkeeping terms." http://archives.govt.nz/advice/continuum-resource-kit/glossary
(Found this via this blog post from the Library of Congress: From AIP to Zettabyte: Comparing Digital Preservation Glossaries)