What is the structure of a digital collections team?
I am looking for info on large academic libraries which have a dedicated
digital collections team (made up of digitization, metadata, web
services, data visualization, etc.) - essentially, folks who focus on
working with researchers to meet their needs as opposed to work that
happens through large scale or public-driven digitization requests.
Who makes up the team and what is the reporting structure?
- ksclarke: I think this varies a lot even within the focus of large academic
libraries. It's probably hard to give a definitive answer without
finding some survey of academic libraries with digitization programs. It
will vary, too, for libraries that task existing teams (cataloging,
etc.) vs. for libraries that make a digitization team a distinct/new
team (for instance, introducing "metadata" librarians).
- AaronC: The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Standards & Practices Working
Group has recently completed a "staffing survey" that answers this in
part. The results were presented these results at the iPres conference
in Toronto. I'm not adding this as an answer because, well--proceedings
are forthcoming.
Answer by Joe Montibello
AaronC's answer inspired me to go see if that group had publicized its
findings. Here's a poster they did: