What are good software packages for tracking patron interactions?
What are good software packages for tracking patron interactions? By
this I mean tracking which kinds of questions/interactions we're
having* and when. (When done on paper, these are sometimes known as
"tick sheets" or "tally sheets.")
*reference, reader's advisory, computer assistance, print/copy
assistance, directions, &c.
Customization, handling multiple workstations simultaneously (while
being able to aggregate or break them out as needed), and good
statistical reports are all preferences here.
- Alan Thomas II
- Alan Thomas II: Desk Tracker has been mentioned to me—I think it's the sort of thing I'm
looking for—but I don't know enough about it to give a detailed answer
to my own question.
- Ashley Nunn: Shopping recommendations like this one are off topic on Stack Exchange.
See this blog
for more details.
- Alan Thomas II: Shopping recommendations are off-topic on Stack Exchange unless a
particular site decides otherwise (e.g., RPG.SE). Since my last question
along these lines is still the most popular question I've ever asked
here (and one of the top 10 on this site period), I though that this
would be okay. (http://libraries.stackexchange.com/q/545/345) But
perhaps we need to be asking the "recommendation question" question over
in Meta.
- Alan Thomas II: Incidentally, the problem with shopping questions is largely that
they're too localized (not likely to help future visitors) not that
they're off-topic (as library technology is on-topic).