What are some potential redundancy strategies for the risk that organizational challenges pose to digital data?
There are a number of risks to digital data that preservationists have a
good handle on:
- environmental factors can be addressed by replication in different
data centers
- natural disasters can be mitigated by replication in different
geographic areas
But organizational challenges still pose a distinct challenge to
long-term preservation of digital content. What are some potential
redundancy strategies for the challenges to preservation of data posed
by organizational issues like budget cuts, changing mission or mandate,
or personnel turnover?
Answer by dsalo
For the employee-expertise scenario:
- Documentation of procedures, software, etc.
- Cross-training of employees
- Reliance (as much as possible) on automation, such that the system
can limp along until expertise is re-found
- Not being a complete jerk to one's valued employees
For the business-failure scenario:
- Contingency planning, such that in case of failure another entity
would assume responsibility for the collection
- Avoiding overreliance on a single funding source, particularly
overreliance on grants
or DRAMBORA will help managers think
through these issues.