The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
Basically, my question is how to uniquely identify multiple copies of same book in a library. Call numbers are not unique to particular copy of the book unless we append 'copy 1','copy 2' and so on (Correct me here if I am wrong).
What would be the best thing to do? Have same call number for all copies of the book and assign a unique accession number, have unique call number for each book and don't use accession number at all, or have unique call number and unique accession number for each book?
I'm not sure what kind of software you are using, but each item needs its own material number that identifies it uniquely. Most libraries use barcodes because they are scannable, and when you order them, they are produced sequentially so that no number is accidentally used twice. You can create your own item stickers or your own barcodes even, if you have budget constraints - you just have to be careful about numbering.
In a typical ILS (integrated library system software), you have linked databases. The bibliographic database contains information about the material (MARC record fields with title, author, and other descriptors). The holding database contains information about individual copies and may contain fields like cost, call number, status, and circulation history. The two databases are linked by the material number field (the bibliographic databases allowing multiple material numbers to be associated with one record).
Having unique material numbers allows you to identify which copy a patron has out, which is particularly at issue when an item is lost or damaged. The call number is not sufficient for this. Call numbers are used to group like items together and to make items easy to find on the shelf. Four copies of The Hunger Games should all have the same call number.
In the picture below from our software (Biblionix) the bibliographic record is on the left. It is linked to 13 holding records on the right, each of which can be individually selected and edited.
When I was not automated (your question sounds like you are not), we had an accession book - each item had a unique accession number, just a sequential one and we listed author, title, publisher, date, vendor and price in the book.