- Is it possible to check out someone's PhD student thesis from another university through interlibrary loan?
- How do I find old magazines in obscure areas like LEGO Mania magazine?
- What do university libraries do to their extremely old books?
- How much damage do silverfish do to library books?
- Are there any libraries that try to preserve old software or old computer games?
- What happens to the private archives of old professors once they retire or die?
- Are there any libraries that are trying to preserve information in Ajax-heavy websites that archive.org can't preserve?
- Has archive.org removed or deleted sites from its database?
- How does the Library of Congress handle government publications?
- Looking for a public video archive of city scenes
- Looking for a collection management system for a small museum collection owned by a library
- Do libraries keep copies of scans created as part of interlibrary loan?
- Setting up eBooks lending programs at a local public library
- Alternatives to barcodes for book identification
- If a book is open access online is a university library less likely to buy a copy?
- Software for Folksonomies
- Circulating mobile devices
- Good examples of libraries/archives that provide a single web entry point into all unique collections?
- How to select a patron management system?
- What are some alternates to the Dewey Decimal System?
- What changes have academic libraries made in response to the ARL's 'Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries'?
- Re-classification of small (<25,000 items) library from Dewey to LC...thoughts?
- What factors need to be considered when developing an innovation committee in a library setting?
- Is there a 'knowledge spectrum' for sorting a small selection of books?
- What are commonly used and accepted methods to weed a recently developed collection?
- What is the process to make a digital file available via the Library Catalog?
- Intellectual property rights
- What unique challenges and benefits exist when lending ebooks compared to traditional print books?
- What is an inexpensive way to back up a digital collection?
- How to integrate new technologies into public libraries with an older staff?
- What is the process to change, add, or eliminate a Subject Heading in Library of Congress Authorities?
- Where can I get info on the status of FRBR?
- Ways to assess use of periodicals in library?
- Is it advisable to establish a DOI number for rare objects that won't change hands?
- Would an agreement on a centralized style for citations be practical?
- None
- None
- What benefits does a library gain by having its own mobile phone app?
- Using "Bulk RFID" scans to reshelve books, does it work?
- Evaluating "Do Not Reshelve Books" policies
- Are there any models for International material donation between libraries?
- Scripting test cases in Aleph
- What is the difference between digital preservation and digital curation?
- What different kinds of ways are libraries using Twitter?
- The change in cataloging rules from AACR2 to RDA
- Metrics for value of online resources
- Why hasn't the library community settled on using hashes as unique universal ids for digital content?
- How are articles from news websites like Yahoo News, CNN, and Reuters catalogued and archived?
- What attempts, if any, have been made to catalogue and archive threads on Internet forums?
- How would Stack Exchange itself be catalogued and archived by libraries?
- Increasing the number of simultaneous users on e-books?
- Can Amazon's recommendation engine be licensed for library use?
- What are the privacy laws that deal with patron records?
- Is library-as-publisher a viable option for small libraries?
- Viability of Virtual libraries
- Into what age groups is it most effective to divide storytimes?
- What differentiates libraries, archives and museums when they put collections online?
- Are any libraries making use of Goodreads API to integrate book reviews and ratings into OPACs?
- What methods are involved in conducting a book talk?
- What is the most effective way to end a storytime?
- What is the indexing/matching/ranking algorithm of the LOC newspaper archive?
- How much metadata to display for spatial datasets?
- What enhancements are available for integration into OPACs?
- Librarians' experiences in communicating with IT departments effectively
- Implementing specific mechanisms to keep the use of reserved books balanced and fair
- Success stories of implementing 80/20 Innovation-style program in a small library
- What is the difference between a "lapsit" storytime as opposed to other storytimes?
- Method for selecting a "purchasing board" from existing patrons?
- How do libraries approach the challenge of deciding what items are worth preserving?
- Is there any reason to digitize in full colour dissertations that were originally submitted in black & white?
- How do libraries approach the challenge of interacting with the homeless?
- What are important resources or information to highlight on a library website?
- Alternatives to RFID for checking the completeness of a package?
- What data format do libraries prefer for Web APIs?
- What MARC tags are appropriate for linking bibliographic records of an adaptation (e.g. film) to its source?
- Are any visually unobtrusive machine-readable labelling systems available?
- How is a storytime aimed at toddlers different from other age groups?
- How do I implement an "act like a user" week for our tech services staff?
- How to keep high security standards while allowing self-checkout?
- Is live audio streaming legally permitted at the public library?
- What successful methods have libraries found for dealing with smoke-damaged materials?
- How to discourage patrons writing and marking into books?
- How valuable is it to talk about "non-MARC" data?
- What impact does Patron-Driven Acquisition have on library budgets?
- Default Settings for Library Public Computers
- What methods have you effectively used to keep online tutorials up to date?
- Mentoring in Libraries
- Reference on document types
- Are UK libraries finding their catalogues able to cope with the new cookie regulations?
- iPads in Library Instruction
- Need high-quality young adult book list to compare to YALSA list
- What research guide platforms are there beyond libguides?
- How do I find out about calls for papers for LIS conferences?
- What examples do libraries have of patrons making use of library developed open APIs (i.e., catalogue API)?
- How are libraries making use of Google+?
- What are some alternatives to fines that have been successfully implemented?
- Are any libraries experimenting with Arduino-like tools to gauge temp/noise/etc. throughout the library?
- Is there a need for distinct tween materials, sections, services, statistics?
- Unique Adult Library Programs
- What's a good elevator pitch to a layman asking "What's digital humanities/humanities computing/[insert local jargon here]?"
- Where can I find published library technology guidelines online?
- What is a good way to sell withdrawn books?
- What policies/practices do research libraries have for collecting faculty members' personal papers and research materials?
- Good examples of training or professional development programs for librarians to gain digital/tech skills
- Do digital comics play a role in a library's acquisitions policy?
- Is the term 'Library' holding libraries back?
- What kinds of activities can a library faculty research fund support?
- Does your library encourage you to use and be involved with Wikipedia?
- What research libraries still use the Cutter Expansive Classification system and why?
- How are libraries supporting researchers in the preservation and/or management of data?
- What is a good alternative to Bookmobile services?
- What is the purpose of Cutter Numbers?
- None
- None
- What's a quick way to explain what librarians are/do?
- What is the best format/standard for archiving static web pages? What software generates that format?
- Why is there no coordinated action of libraries to negotiate jointly prices and the transformation to Open Access?
- How do libraries determine if users are accessing subscribed eresources using Google?
- Why are many small branches better than big central libraries?
- when cutting hours, which days to pick?
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- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- How do I determine when to do system maintenance?
- Where would I find a downloadable list of subject headings or tags related to Science Fiction?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- What are good, free or cheap cataloging systems for personal or small-library use?
- Integration of parental permission system with existing circulation management?
- What are the main difficulties of handling ejournals and ebooks compared to print journals?
- SPARQL endpoints for library catalog data or other metadata?
- In what ways does your library promote professional development of non-professional staff?
- Can someone explain the Dewey Decimal System in layman's terms?
- How can you get non-library trained people to trust in your weeding?
- Would having a self-service kiosk or "vending machine" apparatus be an effective after-hours strategy?
- What data format and tools exist for archiving tweets and similar microblogging?
- None
- None
- To what extent are public libraries adopting the YOUMedia model of public libraries as digital media creation spaces?
- SIP log analyzer
- Is there a way to tell what category a book belongs to?
- What is the purpose of the 490 and 8xx
- How are ebooks lent out from a library?
- Fixity checking in digital preservation systems
- None
- None
- How does the Rule of Three work?
- How can research libraries help faculty and graduate students participate in new researcher id systems?
- What's a good policy and training to put in place to deal with aggressive patrons?
- What is a good policy for dealing with parents who leave their children at the library as free daycare / babysitting?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- What are important IT skills/tools for systems/tech librarians?
- Chat or SMS applications in libraries
- Is it possible to search librarian profiles in LibGuides and embed matches on other pages?
- Bibliometric measures for research groups?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- What is the difference between a ERMS and a Knowledge Base?
- None
- None
- How feasible is a publicly accessible shredder in a library?
- Do libraries archive mailing lists as part of their collection?
- What are the advantages to a close-stack system?
- How do you automate collection of electronic resource usage statistics?
- How To Find Old Russian Physics Papers In English?
- Are there indices/bibliographies or databases of foreign science papers in English?
- How can I find MARC records for video games?
- What field of study is concerned with creating new classification systems?
- Are there middle school library management systems with a self check-out feature?
- What are the most commonly used cataloging systems in middle school libraries?
- What are the most common reasons openurl linking fails?
- How can libraries considering shared print archiving ensure access to collections as well as preservation?
- What are known effective uses of QR codes in libraries?
- Good Encoded Archival Description (EAD) books, tutorials, boilerplate?
- How do you get a list of Keywords that users are searching for from your subscribed eresources?
- How to value a library collection
- How would classification schemes accommodate extraterrestrial life?
- What, if any, non-statutory factors of fair use exist and are likely to be used as precedent in the future?
- How does "fair dealing" in Australia generally differ from "fair use" (America)?
- Purchasing print-on-demand books
- Is there a place for print-on-demand book sales in libraries?
- To what extent can patrons legally copy/lend media they've checked out?
- What is an effective way to dry out a book that has gotten wet?
- What are the effects of charging a fee for putting books on hold?
- What computer skills are useful/necessary for (non-tech) librarians?
- If your library requires patrons to have a library card to use the computers, does it restrict their access if they have lost or overdue books? Why?
- What's a good policy for dealing with book (movie, music, &c.) challenges?
- None
- None
- What are the available options for advanced (i.e., multi-field) searches in Horizon?
- What's a good way to increase classroom–library collaboration in grades 6–8?
- How are current world events or new discoveries included in classification schemes?
- Using Facebook with teen volunteers or teen audience: address Facebook's 13+ age limit or not?
- How to shelve a collection of teaching aids?
- What do Academic/University libraries do with back issues of journals?
- School Library Summer Loans
- How to encode fake "found text" metadata in TEI P5?
- Where to find TOC of books in copyable text forms?
- Applications to browse MARC (maybe with statistics)?
- How to fix mold (mildew?) smell and possible foxing?
- How can one find out popularity of publishers in library collections?
- Should the average time between technology book weedings be lower?
- Digital Libraries using audio indexing / identification / search by example?
- Uses for International Standard Name Identifiers?
- Example of crowdsourced audio/video transcription project?
- None
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- None
- None
- None
- None
- What are the reasons to continue to use physical library cards?
- What "due process" should a controversial book receive as a matter of policy?
- How is Google Maps used to display library floor plans?
- Are libraries allowed to purchase media directly from Amazon and the like?
- Are any libraries or archives officially seeding torrents of open material?
- How do I access full resolution scans from the Internet Archive?
- Are there libraries that use only electronic library "cards"?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- Does anyone know how to add a custom button to their online catalog?
- Selecting books about computers
- What are the most effective practices for holding job interviews at academic libraries?
- Social media and people with disabilities
- What classifications of people's interests exist?
- None
- None
- Assisting people with disabilities
- What regular expression would match Library of Congress call numbers?
- Which reporting interfaces in current ILS systems provide shelf-order lists with normalized LC call numbers?
- None
- None
- Where do formal citations in scientific publications originate from?
- How to encode latitude and longitude in Dublin Core's dc.coverage? And in DSpace?
- Public keyboards hygiene
- Credit/Debit Card Machines in Libraries
- What is Japan's equivalent of the National Archives and Records Administration?
- None
- None
- Establishing guidelines for topical displays
- What tools are recommended for characterising, assessing or appraising digital content acquired for preservation by an archive?
- What makes a successful digital scholarship centre?
- Can someone suggest a good open source document management system?
- How to catalogue zines?
- What has been found to be the most effective alternate term for "digital preservation" when communicating beyond the library and archives community?
- How should archives decide between creating logical or forensic disk images of drives on computers accessioned as part of personal papers collections?
- None
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- None
- None
- None
- None
- How to create/manage access to digitised/born digital personal archives on PCs in reading rooms?
- None
- None
- What preservation risks are associated with the PDF file format?
- Why doesn't Zotero import the language field from an article COinS?
- Are there any nice examples of Libraries/Archives using Natural Language Processing to generate descriptive metadata from full text content?
- None
- None
- METS serialization with Digital Object versioning
- What is the difference between ISBN-10 and ISBN-13?
- How to prevent books from becoming dirty due to being touched?
- What aspects of authenticity should libraries and archives be attending to in digital preservation activities?
- What approaches are there for archiving and preserving databases and what tradeoffs are there between different approaches?
- Recording of conservation activities
- How to detect invalid permutations of MARC fields, subfield, and indicator
- How does the number of digital publications grow compared to printed publications?
- Reserve wrapper alternatives
- None
- None
- What are the tradeoffs between the various email archiving approaches?
- None
- None
- Specific guidelines for establishing a memorial collection
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ZFS for storage in a digital repository?
- Why do some books have multiple ISBNs?
- How to generate a cutter number for a book
- Where do I find example data for MARC records to import into Koha?
- How should a digitization effort for a library proceed?
- None
- None
- What is best practice for TV series collection development?
- How do you handle lost disks in a multi-disk DVD or CD package?
- What are the pros and cons to encrypting digital files a Library or Archive is preserving?
- How do you identify electronic resources actually purchased via Patron Driven Aquisitions vs. those available?
- What is the Collaborative Summer Library Program?
- Is there any real distinction between File Fixity and File Integrity?
- CV improvements for library careers
- Holiday decorations in a public library
- Business sponsorships for a public library
- How to uniquely identify multiple copies of same book in a library
- What are some potential redundancy strategies for the risk that organizational challenges pose to digital data?
- What is the copyright regulation about how much portion of a book may be copied or scanned?
- Copyright law of book jacket design
- Zotero and Locals files
- Are there benefits to having digital and physical collections management duties in one position?
- What's an effective way to communicate the value of risk assesment for digital collections?
- Using the Aleph update-doc X-Service
- How are academic libraries addressing the student textbook crisis?
- Ebooks: to be checked out from a library no more than 26 times?
- Who coined the term "discovery layer" or rather "discovery interface"?
- Are there federal requirements in the United States that govern the retention of patron circulation records?
- What should go into a decision about how many copies of digital objects libraries should keep for digital preservation
- Why should university undergraduates care about open access?
- What are good software packages for tracking patron interactions?
- Converting invalid PDFs or not for digital preservation?
- What studies quantify the full cost of library or archive closure? What are the full costs?
- What are the most important considerations when planning the introduction of a digital asset management system?
- What is the most effective way of sorting large, unsorted electronic archive collections to enable cataloguing?
- What are some effective ways to index a vertical file?
- Are there inherent benefits to using open source software to manage content for digital preservation?
- Public computer setup
- What is the structure of a digital collections team?
- How do I combine a folder of .MRC files into one .MRC using the command line or MARCEDIT?
- What role can Forward error correction techniques like Erasure Coding play in designing digital preservation storage system architectures?
- None
- None
- Are there preservation issues with plastic book jacket covers?
- How to preserve a glossy magazine?
- How to preserve writing in books, magazines, &c.? (Ink, graphite)
- How to preserve old newspapers?
- None
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- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- Online magazine delivery
- Acknowledging Friends groups
- What types of information found through a library "primary" and what is "secondary"
- None
- None
- None
- None
- What is a good policy for dealing with children not behaving but whose parents are with them?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- Best practice for digitally redacting information from born-digital documents?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- Standard policy for hiring substitute librarians
- Reading for fun and not research
- What controlled vocabularies do exist for the topic "Digital Preservation / Digital Curation / Long Term Access"?
- None
- None
- What's the most useful definition of technological obsolescence for digital preservation purposes?
- None
- None
- What types of data compression tactics have a place in digital preservation practice?
- What aspects of the process for a "complete" digital preservation system are missing from current software packages?
- What types of publication dates exist?
- Relation between different edtions of a book
- What classification system would be a optimal choice for a school library?
- What's the current state of the art for OCR for handwriting, especially for historical documents?
- Effective presentation of information in classes for library patrons
- None
- None
- In what cases should a library or archive plan on emulation as part of a digital preservation strategy?
- How to replace damaged or lost media cover artwork?
- None
- None
- None
- None
- What is the difference between digital-media and e-resources?
- Help locating a library
- Is there a hardware controller/option for acquiring data/images off floppy disks which could directly replace the Catweasel?
- How have personas been used in successful library web design?
- Maintaining a separation between the Library and the Friends Group
- How to build a Dewey number for a Hanukkah/Christmas interfaith item?
- Short stories by single author: shelve with fiction or with short story anthologies?
- Bridging paper and digital periodicals
- Standard Policy on Social Media
- How to run a report in Koha to find out which call numbers grow at higher rates
- Software for indexing digital books and documents and make their texts searchable
- How to easily publish archived files as torrent
- From where can you best source digital copies of artworks? (images, drawings, photos of things)
- Excel-only toolkit for creating XML data?
- Characterization of WARC files contents?
- Is JPEG2000 really a good preservation format?
- What are the most important aspects of an organisational digital preservation strategy?
- Information literacy instruction classes without course credit - are badges the answer?
- Protect library from morning sunlight
- Converting BagIt files to WARC
- What is the smallest average percentage of errors that you can achieve with today's OCRs (after book scanning) processes and software?
- What characteristics of the Qidenius Book Scanner would benefit a library with a collection of our size?
- How to view MARC files in a human readable way?
- Auto-logging into Aquabrowser catalog system
- Features to consider for archival scanners?
- Identifying if something might have fallen out of copyright
- Any good free software for making Ebook?
- Which is the most comprehensive online reference centre for digital preservation resources?
- Are volume numbers on article citations reliable? Are they predictable?
- What examples are there of digitization projects using OMR?
- What is the reasoning behind creating Makerspaces in Libraries?
- In the physical description of a book, what are facsims.?
- Does MODS provide a way of recording missing information?
- A unified approach for finding research articles
- How much of a library’s collection never circulates?
- Digital preservation: questions of format and volume for a digital photography collection
- The old Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature
- What is "[Fic]", "[E]" or "[B]" in the Dewey Decimal Classification?
- What are the various types of Patron Driven Acquisitions that public libraries use, and which are the most cost-effective?
- Web archives that collect/request analytics of harvested sites?
- What skill sets should students interested in digtial preservation careers focus on?
- Digital preservation challenges
- Our library is considering creating a makerspace but we're unsure of where to begin
- Are there periodical series, such as National Geographic, that it makes sense for libraries to keep longterm?
- What basic services are typically provided by a library?
- What services do libraries need from public cloud storage before they are trusted for long-term archival?
- How do I enable the display of the "Expanded Marc View" tab when viewing a library catalog item in Koha's OPAC?
- Do you know the name of this format?
- Are there tools available specifically designed to compare ebooks?
- Is there a community like hacker news for librarians
- Migrating a repository content to a different platform
- Best Starting Point for a Uncatalogued Library
- Are electronic court records available through university libraries?
- What repositories are exposing information about research data sets as Linked Data?
- Do American Mathematical Society and Academic Press have ebooks for subscribers?
- Where to find previous titles of serials?
- How to deal with preservation of software with unknown author and licence?
- Is the PDF format appropriate for preserving documents with long perspective?
- Tools for identifying obfuscated files, specifically password protected and encrypted formats?
- Public domain ISSN list?
- Mapping openurl 0.1 to 1.0
- Any tools or processes for deleting slack space from donated storage media?
- How do you control for objects generated invisibly by OS X, Windows, Linux, etc?
- Is Google Books subscribable to librarians?
- Is there a way to look up Ariel addresses?
- Setting up National Archive system from scratch –where to start?
- How to deal with retracted articles
- Who is the vendor that produces BiblioCommons.com?
- LIS-related podcasts
- Are there functional standards or operational frameworks for managing physical collections similar to the OAIS for digital collections? ISO standards?
- Which ebook-lending platforms exist and how do they differ?
- None
- None
- Using holdings data to understand content of library collections in the past
- Linking folksonomic tags to authority controlled metadata?
- Where can Israel's Official Gazette be found?
- What are the internationally accepted legal aspects of scanning library books and making them available for different services?
- The manuscript Summa Logicae (William of Ockham)
- Are post-graduate certificates in library science practical/useful?
- Movie/song database like IMDB
- How to store information as topics and query its metadata with facets
- How to arrange books where books can belong to more than one category
- What is the best way to preserve Microfiche content?
- What physical properties of a document are recorded in an archive?
- Online libraries for small schools
- Archival Intelligence and the term "collection number"