The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
So far we have the following tags:
The following tag was introduced after the start of this discussion:
The following existed but were removed after tag edits:
We have never had the following tags:
"College libraries" is usually taken to include university libraries, but many colleges aren't universities, so the reverse isn't true. Academic libraries are both college and university libraries. Research libraries are most academic libraries a few major public libraries (e.g., NYPL).
Nobody's using the tag "academic." The distinction between academia and academic libraries is probably very small in this site's context. The use of "public-libraries" and "university-libraries" indicates that the "-libraries" ending is standard here.
Real-life organizations include such groups as the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Association of Research Libraries. "College libraries" and "research libraries" are therefore recognized terms in the broader professional community.
This looks like it may need some cleanup before it gets out of control, possibly by designating one or two central tags and several synonyms. Suggestions?
My suggestion here is to make the following tag a main tag:
Implement as a synonym of the new main tag:
While synonyms cannot be created for presently non-existing tags, the following are eligible for future synonyming if the occasion arises:
Finally, research-libraries should be a separate tag. The tag wiki should be used to disambiguate it from the above.