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Should [profession] be killed before it snowballs?

profession seems like it's a bad tag. I can't see how it would be useful or beneficial in classifying a question. Should it be killed before it gains traction and ends up on every question asked about the profession of being a librarian?



Answer by Peter Murray

I added that tag because I thought there should be a tag for questions about the profession versus tags for library operations or equipment or policies. I'm happy to have the discussion here in meta, though.


Answer by M. Alan Thomas II

That's a valid concern, but I think in this case it depends on how it's defined. For example, I saw a question about Cutter numbers the other day, and while librarians do use them professionally, I don't see how the question is in any way about the profession of being a librarian or information scientist; it's about cataloging, not the profession. You see the difference? I'll see about making a tag wiki entry to clarify this and promote proper usage. If it turns out to be a problem, we can discuss removing it at that time.
