The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
This is number 5 of the 7 Essential Meta Questions of Every Beta. The current design and logo is ... well, there is no design. So how about logo, colors, borders and all this little nice stuff that makes a site pleasant and distinct to other sites. I found browsing around existing stackexchange site very inspiring.
My personal opinion: the design should not only mirror the "book" metaphor! Libraries are not about books but about documents, which can be articles, images, films, files, audio etc. And libraries are about the use and exchange of documents. How about a gust of papers, videos, cds, bits, reels, tweets, books etc. falling from the sky and a meadow with chairs, sofas, children, researchers etc. at the bottom?
I agree that the logo and site design should be worked on. Your suggestion is interesting; I like that it includes the data & media as well as people. Were you thinking about that for the header? Would it be too busy/too small for something that size (considering the top/bottom orientation of falling material & people)?
Maybe something a bit simpler -- like the same item in several formats: a period script of Macbeth, Macbeth in a book, Macbeth on a DVD -- representing libraries as keepers of the past and providers of the material in changing formats.
I think we should also reflect the values of the profession in how we release our logo. We should strongly consider either A) using a logo that is already available under a Creative Commons or similar license, or B) releasing any logo that is created under a similar license.