The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
I asked this question, they closed my question and told me to try and post it here. So if it doesn't belong on this site, please close my question.I'm asking on the meta section, if you say that this question is acceptable, please migrate it to the main site.
I have to do a presentation in my university, I chose to do a presentation and a write a paper about minimalism and minimalist lifestyle.
I need some books, in french and english, my paper is written in french but i can translate quotes from english books.
i found some english books on amazon, but couldn't find any french book. Is there any book about minimalism vs consumerism, or the minimalist lifestyle? (French or English, the more books i find, the more references i have).
Unfortunately this question is not on topic here - we deal with the professional side of Libraries, and are not a service for finding books on a particular topic.
I would suggest trying your local library - the people at the reference desk might be able to help you, or just searching their catalogue might lead to some results.