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Recommendation to attempt to edit questions before voting to close

I understand that some questions are not perfect the first time they are posted, but users and moderators of this site should be attempting to improve questions through the use of comments and by editing them before they vote to close.

Here are some concerns:

  1. Questions asked/day are extremely low - only 0.3 questions asked/day. As shown in the link, SE believes that 15 questions asked/day is a good, thriving site.
  2. Two out of three of the most resent questions asked have been closed (image attached).
  3. In both instances there were no attempts made to edit the questions to make them more acceptable.

I suggest that we begin attempting to edit the questions to a format that works within the scope of the L&IS SE site before voting to close. Comments were left that offered recommendations on how the question might be turned into something that fit within the scope. After offering such a recommendation, the writer may wish to give the OP some time to consider them and make the requested changes, but this waiting period is not necessary. The community is welcome and encouraged to make wiki-like edits themselves to improve all questions asked.

enter image description here

Canadian Girl Scout


Answer by jonsca

Closing is not forever. It's not meant to be "Ha HA, I'm slamming the door shut on your question", it's meant to be "let's prevent anyone from taking their valuable time to write a long, detailed answer to a poor, ill-formed, or unanswerable question." and "let's not clutter up the site with stuff that isn't pertinent to the target audience"

Both of those were closed for different reasons, and suggestions were left on the earlier one for how it could be improved. So, if the author isn't going to do it, please go for it, and flag it to be reopened!

I tried for quite some time to reframe that latter question in a way that made it relevant to librarians. As it is, it's a "consumer" question, which is not at all in scope. I thought about reworking it to what should libraries do with old publications, but that would shatter the original intent of the question.

We don't like closing questions, but we don't want to have to stage a massive cleanup for poor quality content further on down the line.

I appreciate you bringing this to our attention, and please do challenge these things when you think that something isn't right. As I've mentioned in the comments of another post, Ashley and I are in active communication with the Community team to determine the proper scope and course for the site.
