
The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die

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The FAQ doesn't seem to capture the moderators sense of what is in scope and what isn't

I've recently seen two questions that on LIS Stack that moderators felt were not in scope, but the "rules" behind these decisions are not captured anywhere in the FAQ (eg. the position on "shopping questions" and the position on "list questions"). This makes it difficult (particularly for new users) to understand the scope for this site, and work within it's rules. Having a question closed due to scoping issues that are not described anywhere can be somewhat discouraging for new users. This is not good for a site in beta, which is looking to build it's user base.

The current situation is leading to confusion and inconsistency. So for example, this question is a "list question" according to Jonsca, and was turned into a "community wiki". But this question received no such treatment, but as far as I can see, is no different in requiring some degree of list in its answers.

Is it possible for the moderators to specify exactly what the scope and rules are in the FAQ? At the moment the only real detail reads as follows...

You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of our site and push other questions off the front page.

...which doesn't really give a lot of guidance.

Paul Wheatley
