The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
When I look through the "Unanswered" questions on the main Libraries site, I see many comments that are actually answers. I think that to follow the format of the Stack Exchange these should be turned into answers by the person/people who made the comment.
Also, on the Stack Exchange meta there was a discussion of people not accepting answers. I hadn't really realized this was important in the Stack Exchange process. Librarians are always open to more answers, but for this site to be successful and get out of Beta, I think we need more answers and more acceptance of good answers.
As Jonsca pointed out, we can't force people to post answers instead of comments, nor can we force people to accept answers. This is something that has been brought up on Meta.StackOverflow numerous times, and the general consensus is that it does get somewhat disheartening sometimes when people don't accept answers and the like, but there is not much that can be done.
If there are comments you feel very strongly about in terms of them being better as an answer, feel free to post them as Community Wiki answers.
Other than that, there isn't really anything we can do.