The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
If there is a question from an Area51 site that is appropriate also for here is it ethical to ask it? (it is, of course, unanswered because it is in Area51)
If it is ethical, should I refer back to the original question (example: In genealogical research, what is the difference between "primary information" and "secondary information?" first asked by Gene J. in Area 51 Genealogy & Family History - or would that be considered promoting/advertising?
You can ask it here - in fact, I am pretty sure some of the top voted A51 questions from the proposal for the site got asked here.
The usual rules apply - it still needs to be a good fit for the site (on topic, constructive, etc). We don't want questions pulled from A51 just for the sake of having questions.
That said, if you find something you think would fit here, and it hasn't been asked/answered somewhere else, and it would fit best here (and not some other site, even one not yet in beta), go for it! Ask away! If someone here can answer, awesome!
As for linking back - I don't think it is necessary to do so - if the site you are pulling from reaches beta, and someone decides to ask that same question there, that is a perfectly okay thing to have happen. Some sites have a weird overlap, and there are ways to move things around if ultimately the question belongs more over there than it would here (such as it being completely off topic here).