The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die
Some may have noticed my edits to tag wikis where I added links to Wikipedia, E-LIS, GND etc.) and links between tags, prefixed with arrows (↓/↑). I wrote a set of scripts to extract tag wikis from StackExchange and create
This is how a tag graph looks like:
I would not, however, create tag wikis for tags will less than two questions. We should not create a top-down thesaurus of tags but let the vocabulary evolve with the questions.
P.S: I have since published the paper and given a presentation:
Jakob Voß. 2012. Linking Folksonomies to Knowledge Organization Systems. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR '12). Springer, pages 89-97. [DOI] [HTML] [PDF] [Slides]