
The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die

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Chat room name suggestions

We've reached an all-too-critical stage in our development here on Stack Exchange. Our chatroom name is boring and we should change that!

Realizing, this would be a minor change, but I think it would provide us some "team spirit" and hopefully make people aware of the chatroom and maybe prompt some folks to jump in and start using it. Chat topics should be made up of some percentage of site and LIS related discourse, but can certainly include a healthy dose of just shooting the breeze and playing "current events" :)

So, if you have a clever (semi-professional, non-offensive) name you'd like to nominate, go ahead and leave an answer on this question, and we'll use the voting to come up with a name everyone likes. Please do not be hurt if someone downvotes your name, it just means that they disagree with it, not that it's bad!



Answer by jonsca

The Stacks


Answer by jonsca

The Circulation Counter


Answer by Mary Jo Finch


(It's Dewey for social networking - Communication through digital media))


Answer by Mary Jo Finch

Authority Control

(am I allowed to post twice?)


Answer by Jakob

The Reference Desk.
