Creating a digital-preservation tag and adding it back to all the digital preservation questions
Would folks be OK with me making a "digital-preservation" tag and
appending it to all of the questions related to the subject? With that I
might try to do more outreach to get digital preservation folks to
follow/participate in those discussions. As there seems to be
that digital preservation questions are a good fit here.
Trevor Owens
- jonsca: If it fits on a particular question, certainly! Use your best judgement.
- Jakob: [tag:digital-preservation] is fine, but please create a tag excerpt.
[tag:perservation] should be used for general and analog preservation
issues, right?
- Jakob: of course I meant [tag:preservation] (typo)
Answer by AaronC
Do it.
I think the best outreach, however, is to ask more digital preservation
questions (myself included).
- Trevor Owens: Thanks! In general, is it better to create compound tags for things like
digital-preservation-outreach or to have things get two tags like
digital-preservation and then outreach as a separate tag?
- AaronC: @TrevorOwens I would do separate tags, but I'm not a SE expert.
- jonsca: @TrevorOwens I would say do them separately for now, unless you
anticipate a ton of questions with `digital-preservation-outreach`
right away. Otherwise, tagging and reorganizing can happen later. Thanks
to both of your for your efforts!!