
The Zombie Stack Exchanges That Just Won't Die

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Let's get the word out!

Okay, so we have brainstormed somewhat on things we can do to get the word out about our site here, which is super awesome - it seems like people have a lot of good ideas.

Now, let's try to act on some of those!

There are a few graduated sites on the network that are tangentially related to Libraries - English, for one - that we could put a community ad on.

If anyone here has an idea for a design we could use, post them here! Upvote ones you like and think would represent us well. :D

Ashley Nunn


Answer by Jakob

To get an idea for a design, I'd welcome some more brainstorming. Use or avoid the traditional image of searching in a card catalog? A reading room? Something abstract (For instance I like images of mindmaps, classifications etc.)? Crashed sleves and a funny tagline?

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Student_using_the_card_catalogue_in_the_library,_1981.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Homestead_Library_reading_room.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_mistress/1248479255

The concept of information is very difficult to depict. Maybe the image from Shannon/Weaver or something from Otlet's Traité de Documentation (looks like the semantic web, doesn'tit?). A citation graph might be worth to depict. Internet Archive and arXiv.org are known digital libraries/archives we could visually refer to, to also include the digital nature. Anyway, I just collected some images that came to my mind, please extend!

Traité de Documentation enter
image description here Shannon/Weaver


Answer by Jakob

This is a community wiki to collect sites where to put a community ad on.

Stack Exchange sites

Other user communities

journals and groups of professionals


Answer by Jakob

Ok, here is are some images with 220x250px and text, to link to http://libraries.stackexchange.com/. Feel free to put them on your websites!

Community driven Q&A for libraries and information
science Community driven Q&A for
libraries and information science
