Let's get the word out!
Okay, so we have brainstormed somewhat on things we can do to get the
word out about our site
which is super awesome - it seems like people have a lot of good ideas.
Now, let's try to act on some of those!
There are a few graduated sites on the network that are tangentially
related to Libraries - English, for one - that we could put a community
ad on.
If anyone here has an idea for a design we could use, post them here!
Upvote ones you like and think would represent us well. :D
Ashley Nunn
- jonsca: Sci-Fi, RPG, and Photography might all be related enough. I'll see if I
can think of any others. Thanks again for spearheading this!!
- Jakob: You should add a link to a description of what community ads actually
- Jakob: Once we have some Ads, we could also try to get them visible at other
library-related websites. What websites do library professionals
regularly visit?
Answer by Jakob
To get an idea for a design, I'd welcome some more brainstorming. Use or
avoid the traditional image of searching in a card catalog? A reading
room? Something
(For instance I like images of mindmaps, classifications etc.)? Crashed
sleves and a
funny tagline?

The concept of information is very difficult to depict. Maybe the image
from Shannon/Weaver or something from Otlet's Traité de Documentation
(looks like the semantic web, doesn'tit?). A citation graph might be
worth to depict. Internet Archive and arXiv.org are known digital
libraries/archives we could visually refer to, to also include the
digital nature. Anyway, I just collected some images that came to my
mind, please extend!

- Ashley Nunn: I am not sure we want to go too abstract - we want it to still be
recognizable and interesting and obviously related to libraries, I
- Jakob: libraries *and information science* ;-) Yes, if an image is used, it
should be recognizable and interesting. But there is more than books,
isn't it?
- Ashley Nunn: Oh definitely. Way more avenues to explore.
- jonsca: @Jakob I agree with Ashley about not being too abstract, but for the
time being, go ahead put your ideas out there! :) We'll all be able to
vote on some of the candidates formally at a later date.
- Jakob: Could you also comment on the more concrete ideas or images in this
answer? Examples of non-abstract ads please!
- jonsca: @Jakob
are some ads for the physics site. I think the lower two pictures are
neat to look at, but they've got too much going on for a person to take
a quick look at and say "hey, that looks like an interesting/fun/topical
site". I think the crashed shelves with a funny slogan might accomplish
that. There will always be differing opinion on ideas, but keep them
coming anyway that's the only way we'll find something! We do appreciate
all of the effort you're putting in here and elsewhere.
Answer by Jakob
This is a community wiki to collect sites where to put a community
ad on.
Stack Exchange sites
Other user communities
- LibraryThing, Shelfari
- Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, ..
- Grand Comics Database (http://comics.org)
- ..
journals and groups of professionals
Answer by Jakob
Ok, here is are some images with 220x250px and text, to link to
Feel free to put them on your websites!

- Jakob: Looks like one could print this on a
beermat! At least in
Germany this would make a nice giveaway :-)
- jonsca: I like them both. I think we could probably press for something slightly
more clever for the one on the left, like "Problem patrons?" or
something like that.
- Ashley Nunn: I like these! Now, to start putting them out where other people will see
them... :)